Initial Framework
strategyMapping out the initial framework #
First I need to start off by defining my goals. I would like to prioritize the following:
- High sleep quality and adequate duration
- Increasing VO2 Max
- Increase strength (power and grip)
- Increasing dexterity
- Maintaining a healthy weight and body composition
- Maintaining or improving mental acuity and mental health
Here are some basic things I can do to help me achieve those goals:
- Set and maintain a sleep schedule
- Reduce blue light exposure before bed
- Stop eating at least 2 hours before bed
- Minimize stimulation before bed
- Monitor dietary choices
- Increase protein intake
- Increase fiber intake
- Focus on eating whole foods
- Use high quality supplements
- Set and meet exercise goals
- Weightlifting - aim for 1 to 2 hours per week (4 sessions)
- Running
- VO2 max training once every two weeks
- Aim to run for 1 to 1.5 hours every week
- Swimming (when feasible)
- Engage in mentally stimulating activities and manage stress
- Monitor caffeine intake
- Breathwork and meditation
- Regularly engage in activities that are healthy for the mind
- Reading
- Making music
- Socializing
- Video games and board games
- Family activities
- Limit smartphone and social media use
- Next: Weekly Plan - 07/01/24
- Previous: Health Overview