Staying Alive

Initial Framework


Mapping out the initial framework

First I need to start off by defining my goals. I would like to prioritize the following:

  1. High sleep quality and adequate duration
  2. Increasing VO2 Max
  3. Increase strength (power and grip)
  4. Increasing dexterity
  5. Maintaining a healthy weight and body composition
  6. Maintaining or improving mental acuity and mental health

Here are some basic things I can do to help me achieve those goals:

  1. Set and maintain a sleep schedule
    1. Reduce blue light exposure before bed
    2. Stop eating at least 2 hours before bed
    3. Minimize stimulation before bed
  2. Monitor dietary choices
    1. Increase protein intake
    2. Increase fiber intake
    3. Focus on eating whole foods
    4. Use high quality supplements
  3. Set and meet exercise goals
    1. Weightlifting - aim for 1 to 2 hours per week (4 sessions)
    2. Running
      1. VO2 max training once every two weeks
      2. Aim to run for 1 to 1.5 hours every week
    3. Swimming (when feasible)
  4. Engage in mentally stimulating activities and manage stress
    1. Monitor caffeine intake
    2. Breathwork and meditation
    3. Regularly engage in activities that are healthy for the mind
      1. Reading
      2. Making music
      3. Socializing
      4. Video games and board games
      5. Family activities
    4. Limit smartphone and social media use