Weekly Plan - 07/29/24
planrecapThis week's plan #
- Monday: lifting
- Tuesday: rest
- Wednesday: running
- Thursday: lifting/walking
- Friday: running
- Saturday: lifting/walking
- Sunday: running
Last week's results #
- Monday: walking ✅
- Tuesday: rest ✅
- Wednesday: running ✅
- Thursday: lifting/walking ➡️ lifting
- Friday: running ✅
- Saturday: lifting/walking ➡️ walking
- Sunday: lifting/running ➡️ lifting/walking
Assessment (out of five) #
I started off the week strong, but toward the end of the week I started experiencing my rib/shoulder flare-up that has become chronic at this point. I'm not really sure what the triggers are (or if any exist). It just seems to show up and dissapate whenever, as it has for many years. As long as it isn't visceral (and is mostly mechanical, like damaged cartlidge from an auto accident or perhaps a tissue injury that didn't heal properly) then I can continue on as usual.
I missed one running and one lifting goal, but the added rest has had a positive effect on my HRV, so I should be in a good position to perform well this week.
Sleep score: 95%
Overall: ⭐⭐⭐
- Next: Weekly Plan - 08/05/24
- Previous: Goals for 2025